First perk came when we were given a nice price break for the one way fares. Did they know something we weren't aware of yet (that they expected some time during the day we would be begging, at any price, to get back on the boat)? Next we went and ate a nice breakfast to 'fuel' up for our walking journey.
Now, at the hotel, we were told this would be about an 8 mile hike. Ok, no problem there. We already walked about one mile around the town before getting on the boat, but we're ok and feeling strong. On the boat ride the Captain said it is a 9 mile hike, plus some. Ok, still feeling pumped and strong so we can handle that.

The boat left at 10am and the ride was a bit chilly, but it was a nice boat so I sat inside while Bob sat out back and snapped pictures. We arrived at Goat Haunt around 11am.

Goat Haunt, not named for goat's that are haunting the area, but for goat's that come frequently to the area. Of course, none were present as we passed through.

We used the facilities and then had our passports checked by the border patrol guys and we set off. We have so many pictures that we couldn't possibly post them all here but I will throw a number of them in with this post and the next one.

The first half of the hike was through neck high (on me) foliage with a path that was just big enough to see for your feet to go on. Twice we heard grunting and limbs breaking below us. Both times I asked Bob what that noise was and he just said "walk faster!" Did I mention the big sign we passed as we started out that stated "You and entering Grizzly Bear Country" "Be Bear Aware" and the like??

Ah yes, we were both carrying Bear Spray (which we have attached to each of our back packs for all hikes) and we passed a nice couple almost half way through the hike going the opposite direction. They said they were walking to Goat Haunt and were going to catch the boat back the other way. They didn't have Bear Spray. By the time we reached Bertha Falls, during the last quarter of the hike, these people were on our heals. We asked them why? They said that right after we passed them they walked on about a quarter mile and a black bear appeared from below on the trail (probably one of the ones we heard). It started walking up the trail to them. They started yelling and waving their arms to scare it off and backed up until they could turn around and return from the other direction. They abandoned all hope of getting to Goat Haunt and followed us back into Waterton!

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike swinging bridges? I made Bob go first to make sure it was safe, ha! Notice my death grip on the rail.

Another break with breath-suspending views and beauty.
Here is a random falls we saw along the way. Some beautiful sights in the back country. We felt so blessed to be able to experience it all. And here I will stop with a continuation on the next post.
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