Wow, imagine how excited we were to discover this darling cabin just up the road from where we were staying. Oh sure, the roof is falling in but the board walk to get in the door and the floor, where it is in tact, is quite sturdy :)
Here's Bob in the front door, um, which is on the floor inside behind him.
Oh yes and here I am welcoming any visitors that come by. And here's Paul, our first visitor.
Okay, so it's not our new cabin, but we were fascinated about the location and fairly good shape it is in since it hasn't been used in many years. Well, I guess I can't honestly say that since I was compelled to take rubber gloves and grocery bag up and clean up the toilet paper around the surrounding area.
Another nice feature of the cabin is the trail that leads off to the west from the site. We parked our car about a mile below the cabin off the road, walked to the cabin and down the trail to see if we could get back to the car going through the back side of the hillside. As it turned out, the trail ended on a steep rock slide, so we carefully climbed down the slide and trudged our way through sage brush and across two waterways until we made it back to the car. It didn't take that long but was a fun discovery.

Fall is in the air as the weather is turning cooler and days are shorter. These white puff balls were lovely slender flowers just a week ago. I expect they will have blown away with the wind before I see them again.
If you look closely at the flowers below you will see a very busy bee at work still collecting pollen. It has been encouraging to see the number of bumble bees that are active on the desert flowers in this region.
Okay I want to live there and make paper from all the surrounding vegetation ..LOL>>>>>Lis