This hike was only 2 miles so we tacked it on the end of the Elephant Back Trail hike. It was getting to be around 3pm and we were ready for a nice walk as opposed to hiking uphill again.

So we start on the trail and the bison start literally coming out of the woodwork! They just began to stream single file out of the woods and down to the water. By this time we are beside the area and walking a little above them and picking up our speed because they could easily walk across the water and get to where we were.
So we moved along briskly letting the bison enjoy their afternoon drink and meandered through the woods to the lake.
The views of Lake Yellowstone were so serene and pretty, we were almost stunned. The trail went up and down small slopes and stayed within view of the lake for almost a mile.
Bob has been trying to get a picture of a squirrel but they are very skittish. But this one cooperated, so here he is! Another fierce wildlife picture.
This is the last point area. The rock out-croppings were very pretty.
This was along the beach just past the last grouping of rocks on the shoreline. I took a couple of close up pictures of the paw prints to be able to inquire what animal it was. We were told it is most likely a coyote.
So, we left the beach and headed back to end the loop. We walked through a large forested area to get back to where the trail had split. I did notice as we walked that there were bison 'patties' along the trail and to the left and right of the trail, as well as fur from where they had brushed up against trees and foliage. So it wasn't a total surprise, when we came out of the trees, to find the bison had finished drinking and were on the closer side of the water area, umm, maybe 10 yards away from the trail we needed to go on.
The male (above) and the female (to the right) were up on the small ridge closest to the trail and they were watching us. I was in the lead and after stopping to discuss our options (we were in an open meadow with nowhere to go), we took baby steps toward them while talking very loudly. Bob suggested we should veer off to the left and make our own trail to get back to the street. About then, both of these bison turned away from us and ran down the small knoll into the herd causing a short stampede. They, fortunately, ran away from us, thus opening up the trail which we hustled down toward the parking area and the car.
If they had decided to charge us, this blog would not be happening!! One last challenge was ahead, just as I finished exhaling. One lone bison (do you know how big they look when you are standing on level ground with them?) had split from the group and was walking ahead of us toward the street. Again, fortune turned this animal to the left into a small stand of trees and the car was to the right.
What a thrill to be that close to these magnificent creatures and not be trampled under their feet :)
The Lake is what I have been waiting for yout o post. I had heard (or is it "herd"?!?) that it is beautiful and the pictures prove it. Love the bison as well! You are having such an awesome experience!
ReplyDeleteThis lake is beautiful! We were surprised at its size. Glad you like the pictures :)
DeleteAnother "walk in the park". What an exciting day. The bison pictures are amazing. I am glad they decided you were not a threat to them, and you could take the pictures. Love, Sherri
ReplyDeleteWe were really unsure of how it would go, but all turned out and we survived ha!
DeleteI don't suppose you ate buffalo burgers I didn't but my men did Oh my that was nearly 47 years ago Our son then 4 crawled up on the chair and told the waitress he would have a buffalo burger and a beer,, we were shocked , as it turned out he wanted a root beer ( which he had never had before )
ReplyDeleteLiz, I'd love to see any pictures you all may have taken on your trip out. I bet some things have changed a lot and others not at all. No bison burgers for me but Bob has enjoyed several of them. Best he's ever had he says :)