After we broke free of the insufferable berry bushes, most of them being a wild sumac with bright red berries, which bears don't care for...we started seeing vistas of the lake and were even able to get down to the shoreline a few times.

We were excited to find these markers for the Peace Treaty between Canada and the US showing where the countries meet. We each have a foot in both countries. The line going up the hill on the far shore behind me is the continuation of the border. It's cleared every year or so to keep it visible by a group of Rangers.

Another perk- an Out House on the Canadian side and placed a few feet away from the markers, WooHoo! I got really frustrated trying the pull the handle back to open the door. Bob figured out that it twists. Things that make you go hmmmm.
This was an interesting area we had to cross. It was straight down and across and very slippery with loose rocks. At the top on both sides of the area there were signs that said in bold lettering: "Lead Your Horse." Really? Why would anyone even be on a horse on that trail...I'm just saying!

We stopped a few times to eat snacks and lunch we brought in our packs and even though the Bertha Falls addition increased the mileage by another 2, we went there also before heading back into town.
By the way - Bertha Falls is the only mountain in the region named for a woman. Legend goes that during the time of prohibition, the only way to obtain access to alcohol was to have a prescription. Bertha received a prescription for some and began forging them and selling these to the locals so that both 'prospered' in the deal. As time went on, Bertha was arrested for her activities and spent time in prison. When she returned home, she found out how loved she was by the locals...she had a river, lake, falls and mountain all named for her.
We arrived back to our hotel at 6:15pm, making for a 7 hour hike. We changed clothes and walked to have dinner at Zum's restaurant in the downtown area and boy did we eat!
Bob even had an ice cream cone after dinner from another shop but I was
sufficiently stuffed :) All totaled it was a 12 mile day of hiking. A very special day in a very special place!
How are you holding up to all this hiking? You will be in such good shape by the time you finish..........Lis