The next part of the museum we went to was for the firearms. A true history of rifles, shotguns, handguns, mavericks, pistols, derringers, gatlin guns...are you getting the picture? I've never seen so many guns. Although I am not even mildly interested in firearms, this is an impressive collection and oh, the stories!

So, the collection was from the 1500's on up, all in pristine condition and grouped according to style, type and manufacturer and many of them were owned by famous individuals, including Pres. Teddy Roosevelt.

There was even a section from the old westerns from the movies and TV.

Outside in the enclosed courtyard we also visited the cabin where Cody was raised. It had been transferred to the museum grounds and, of course, renovated.
And since we had the Cowboys on this blog, the next one will be on the Indians!
Don would like this It would not interest me in the least Your photos are lovely and the house is so vintage I like that.................Lis