And we're off!
Bob got this great shot of a wood duck. The reflection seems clearer than the duck.
This coyote was 25 yards away from us as we crested a hill. We scared each other. This is him jogging away from us.
Further on we heard a pack of either coyotes or wolves yipping and howling at the top of a nearby mountain. We were guessing there is a den up there and it was play time!
A few ospreys flew overhead and called out as we walked. They are always so majestic to watch.
The path to nowhere, ha!
And then there was the 1 or 2 mile stretch of tall weeds to walk through. We had been warned to wear pants. Thanks Marie!
Yes, there's a path there.
If this was a foreboding, we weren't concerned. There was one section of meadow that had several bleached bones strewn about. It has mountains on 3 sides so probably a favorite winter resting place for the elk.
The hike started on the high side and we walked on level ground or downhill almost the whole way after the initial small hill to climb. Rather than the path being right in the gulley, it always hung up on the side of a hill. Much easier walking on that type of path.
In the dead center of this picture is a dot on a plateau. Those are our cabins! Now that's cool :)
This sweet herd of Pronghorn were ready to meet us. There were 10. They were mostly on the ground and got up as we walked on the path.
And then they crossed in front of us and promptly left. Nice homecoming we thought.
Last leg of the trip is across the bridge and up the hill to the truck.
This took us 4.5 hours and had an elevation gain of 521 feet and loss of 1,794 feet.
Total miles hiked after this: 24
What amazing pics, lovely to see, xxx