Elevation gain/loss: 1,847...11 miles...6 1/2 hours. What a view it was! So I'll start at the beginning...
Bob took several shots of Cascade Lake from different elevations so I'll try to show them in order.
You may have noticed that these pictures aren't crystal clear. There are two fires burning in the park right now. The Park Service lets them burn out unless structures are being threatened.
There's been a haze in the air since we arrived. And we wonder why we're coughing more this year, hmmm.
Lunch at the top of the world, or at least it seems. We could see down to the Tetons and around the park pretty well if other mountains weren't in the way.
This is a Ranger Station used only in the event of a fire danger in the close area. Otherwise, it stays shuttered and unused.
We hiked with Marie and Carla. Both have been hiking since April so they pretty much left us in the dust going uphill. We stayed with them going down. I am using 2 poles again this year and Bob is using 1. They help more than I ever imagined they would.
This is a good shot of the forest of burned out trees still standing from the 1988 fire. In other shots you can see how green some areas are but in the higher elevations the new growth takes longer as the growing season is only about 2 months each year.
Here Marie and Carla turned to wave at us not too far below.
And here is the expanded view of where they are standing!
We are back to level ground now and just have the 2.5 miles back to the truck.
The flora and fauna were nicer in the upper regions. Below, due to the lack of rain and intense heat this year, everything is dried up except in the waterway areas.
Above though, the ladybugs, bees and small butterflies were working tirelessly on the flowers.
And lastly, this little squirrel came bustling down a tree and almost ran over us before he stopped to see us. He's obviously carrying a nice meal back to a secure wintering nest.
Total miles hiked: 35
Love the lunch setting Look at you two a third of the way to 100 and your just getting started ......Lis oh Caryl says Hello