So we're still on the Beartooth Highway. By now we're thinking these are really white rocks or that's snow pack that we can get to. We've also decided a vest with our light jackets may be a good thing. But we didn't anticipate rain, sleet and snow. It's August for goodness sake!
See those people that look like little dots near the snow pack? That will be us to those driving by and not stopping soon, ha!
It's official, it's snow and it's packed and it's cold!!
Packs a pretty good snowball too.
Above is what happens when the snow is melting. The wildflowers were beautiful.
Lakes are also formed where you wouldn't expect to see them. This would make a great ice skating rink in the winter. We didn't walk down there because it started raining and we had nooo rain gear with us.
One sign above says "Leaving Montana" and about 200 yards down the road is a sign that says "Welcome to Wyoming." In between must be Never Never Land! Now we know where Peter Pan lives.

What do these clouds tell you? It told us that rain was coming. Bob hopped out of the car to take some pictures and got chased back by heavy wind, sleet mixed with rain and as we drove we had snow hitting the windshield. I opened the car window to take a picture and the wind was so fierce that Bob across the car was getting hit by the sleet. It's hard to imagine, but we were riding along the tops of the mountains. Simply breath-taking.
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