This hike is in Mammoth which is close to Gardiner so it makes it worth repeating when we don't want to drive so much. We walked it backwards to see what we would remember. Again, the sage and grasses are so tall this year even Bob was dwarfed in some areas! One of the best features comes from it being a loop.

This area has an elevation change of approximately1,080 and with the route we took it was 8 miles of hiking.
Here's an example of a wonderful, gnarly tree. The trunk has so much character and it is still living.

The views from up there are spectacular. This is Mammoth. The building in the bottom is about the beginning and ending point.

Bob got some nice pictures of the flowers and these red berries are a staple for the bears towards fall.

There are a series of 4 ponds, the largest one actively worked by the beavers. Of course, this would be early morning or late evening. We were there in the middle of the day, hence no wildlife!

With each turn of the hike, there is new landscape to view.

It stays interesting as there will be a mountain, and then an open meadow, a pond, a forest, etc. There were far too many pictures for me to post!

Hiking mileage total: 43
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