Bunsen Peak is the first good mountain hike south of Mammoth Hot Springs. It has an awesome view of the north end of the park when there are blue skies. We decided to tackle this on a pretty day.

Last year when we went there were so many fires burning in Idaho and even in the south end of Yellowstone that our pictures are muted and so much of the vistas were blocked. With all the rain we've had this year, fires are not an issue so the views were good. On this path, you can see the damage that still remains from the big fire of 1988.
Here I am working my way up the switchbacks. This is a really hard climb for me, but I did it easier than last year.

Bob got some super pictures that although they don't show the view are none-the-less worthy of showing off. There were 4 grouse along the path and they were not particularly afraid of us. Isn't he/she gorgeous?

How many sections of leg does this bee have?
We made it to the top and look who was there to greet us, oh, and maybe ask for a hand-out?!

This is looking toward the west. Hmm, still more places to hike it looks like!
This is looking south straight down the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

More wildflowers with butterflies. Good way to finish a pretty hike! After we finished running around the top and descending back to the car, we did another short hike.
Total miles hiked: 58