We spent some time at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center. It is located in the Historical District along with the shops and houses to tour. The Center tells of the travels of the sea turtle and notes how Jekyll is still a prime nesting area for turtles.
There are 'turtle patrols' this time of year. We saw them go by on the beach a few times. They go out in their dune buggys and look for the turtle tracks to see if the turtle mommas have come in to lay eggs. There was only one nest they were aware of while we were there. During the peak season, the turtle patrol is active 24/7 to watch for moms and subsequently the babies running for the water. It would be an awesome site to see some day.
Okay, so I digress...There is a building behind the information center that houses different types of rescue turtles. And a Guide that gives a talk about the housed turtles 2 to 3 times a day.
The effort is made to rehab them and release back into the ocean and if that can't happen to find a zoo home for them. The ones they have now will all be released soon except for 2 that lost back flippers to boat motors or are paralyzed. Those 2 will go to a zoo.
So on that afternoon's bike ride we saw a raccoon digging in the grass and...wait for it...
a turtle! Ha!
Wow, here's an unusual critter! We saw him (her?) on our longest ride around the island...along with several friends. They have perfected the art of begging! Who can resist those eyes? Bob poured out the crumbs from his granola bar onto the table and this one wasted no time in consuming them. :) He wasn't interested in sharing either.
Even if they are just furry rats they are cute........Lis