1. A Wedding! When we were riding out of the park to take our first ride we saw a bride in a white, full length dress and veil and groom in his tux at a large RV. We thought they were just getting in for their honeymoon but NO! Later as we walked and rode along the beach, there, among the driftwood and rip rap was the bride and groom with a minister (or some official) and two people taking pictures of them.
2. A guy flying what he called a drone with a Go-Pro camera attached. He was waiting for guests of the wedding party to arrive and was going to take pictures of the wedding from above. It was very cool!
That little speck in the sky is the drone. Below it is the wedding party.
3. Beach campers. Who knew? People secure their hammocks in the tree and were talking and laughing up there like no one else was around. I stepped up to them, said smile, and snapped this picture :) There were 2 guys and 2 gals. They were young and much more adventuresome then we would be!
4. Wonderful critters...I came across a few sand dollars that were still alive so I threw them back in the water. We saw 2 small fish that were on the sand but when they saw us they crawled to the water and swam under a log. Really? Bob swears they weren't tadpoles so we're not sure what they were. It was fun to see. They were far too fast to get pictures of though.
5. A gazillion crabs of all sizes; and
6. This sea anemone (I think that's what it was) with barnacles and sea shells to the side. Pretty cool group of beach goers, from the larger variety to the tiny!
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