Every year in December and running through some time in March the next year, hunting for bison, elk and deer opens up for US Forest lands, which encompasses the north, south and west lands of the park. (Maybe some on the east also). Large groups of Native Americans descend on these lands to round up and 'hunt' for the animals that have unknowingly left the safe Yellowstone Park confines.
We are mostly concerned with the northern most area and were warned when we came where to avoid hiking or snowshoeing and not to be alarmed if we heard gun shots.
This week we sought out a 'kill' area, looking for eagles, hawks, and scavengers hoping to get a few good pictures. The area we went to is apparently disappointing for the locals due to the amount of carcasses left on the ground. Many were gutted and anything good taken and the rest left for 'other animals.'
It was sad to walk through, but made me think that the slaughter houses for beef, pork and chicken aren't that so very far removed from this humble beginning. The pictures you will see are the left overs. Gruesome to me but a poignant reminder of where your meat comes from, not mine because I've been vegetarian for over 20 years. I'm not an animal rights kind of person, but we just found this sad. And now to the pictures.
Healthy male that is just inside the Park boundaries.
Posted signs warning of carcasses. The bears are just now coming out of hibernation so we were safe walking around this.
Oddly enough, one story we were told is that a particular tribe surrounded this herd and started shooting into it from all sides. I wonder about gun safety for them?!
Another source told us this group took so many at the 'hunt' beginning that the other tribes were upset with them. Apparently bickering among groups is not uncommon.
The birds are good scavengers.
We did scare off several birds but not the amount we were told were here previously. An eagle is keeping an eye on us before leaving.
There was a beautiful adult and juvenile Bald Eagle flying together as we approached the area.
Beauty among the carnage.
There are more pronghorn than we've ever seen before. They and some Mule Deer were the only animals close by when we stopped.
This female has a radio collar on. And she appears to be pregnant.
Sad when the Bison feel safer outside the park .
ReplyDeleteReally shooting in a circle I wonder who is safer.