It was steep going up. Part of the way we were almost climbing.
We passed by a herd of Big Horn Sheep which were very healthy. Unfortunately, one of their prior members seems to have had a hard time over the last winter or so.
Here is the climb we are doing. The top of the tree line is our goal.
Break time for lunch. We're about 85% of the way up. Another ho-hum view while we eat!
In the background you might be able to see what looks like a town. That is Gardiner and where the famous Roosevelt Arch is located and where we go back through to get to our cabins.
We're back at the climb. The funny part is, there is mostly no trail to walk on to get to this point. As we ate our lunch, we watched a guy walk up the ridge to our immediate right and then walk back down with no problem. We knew how to get down after that!
You may have noticed a predominate blue tinge to these pictures by now. Bob inadvertently changed a setting on his camera and this was the result. We went to the camera store in Bozeman and they showed him how to correct it.
See this peak? It is the Sepulcher Mountain and will be our next hike!
Going down went much faster and easier than going up. Beautiful views all around to see.
Sometimes you just have to include a knarly tree in the group. There are plenty of them out here. They are wind worn and courageous to stand against the rough elements.
Miles hiked: 120
Beautiful view Already looks chilly to me The thought of going there in the winter for a stretch Brrrrr Lis
ReplyDeleteSo glad Kathy finally got to join the hike which you always make enjoyable even on paper Never too much pictures Lis