Paul Trombetta lives in Bozeman so is able to make the trip each year to come and visit when we come out here. Paul and Bob go back to age 5 growing up and he was the Best Man in our wedding 46 yrs ago. So we enjoy his visits and try to take him on a moderate hike that his knees can handle.

This year we took him on the Yellowstone Picnic hike that travels along the edge over the end of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon. I posted pictures on this hike earlier when Bob and I did it but here are some more!
The scenery is so amazing when you are higher up.

Here we are with the other side of the canyon in the background.
This big guy was all alone and walking among the sage bushes parallel to our path. That can cause a little anxiety when he looks at you like he may just wander over. This time, however, he continued down the hill to a greener patch of grass to munch on.

The hill behind me is the start of Specimen Mountain. There are at least 3 trail heads to take one up to the top, this being one of them. The trail is about 10 miles long. Bob and I have decided to tackle this next year. :)

This is looking back into the canyon area from the end of the trail. This is the Yellowstone River which travels north to the Gardiner area and up to Livingston, MT before turning east to eventually run into the Missouri River.

We had 3 days of rain right before Paul came. It dumped water below and snow above. The Mt. Washburn peak we had just hiked was now covered in snow!
The buffalo were on the move all throughout the park. This group was trailing down into this valley and the leader had already gone halfway up the next hill. I've heard you can tell the weather by the animals, but we are really stumped about whether it will be a tough winter here or not. The animals all were going places we've never seen then in before. It will be interesting to see what happens.
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