This is Electric Peak with the early morning sun hitting it first since it is the highest point in the Galatin Range and highest point in the NW corner of the park.

More color hitting the clouds.

Sunsets, with some really stunning color. If someone painted this I'd say it was false.

This is looking over the pond where the elk like to hang around.
Electric Peak again with the sunset.
This was the August super moon. It was amazing the way it lite up the sky at night. Of course it obliterated the view of the stars while it was up. A fair trade off though.
This was taken out our front door. The big dipper moved straight across the mountains across the sky from left to right. It would start out level and turn to this position as the night progressed.
Here is the super moon setting late in the morning over Electric Peak and Sepulcher. The pink in the sky is from the rising sun.
Very appropriate to finish this travel segment with a series of moons >>>>>>>>>Lis