1. A Jedi's Mind Game: It's safe to say we have logged a lot of miles inside Yellowstone National Park now. So usually when we are driving through, we have a destination in mind and while one of us drives, the other watches the hills and plains for critters and we stay the speed limit. Not so for a minimum of 50% of the other drivers who are enjoying the view and want to take pictures and so forth. We have found if we wave our hand like a Jedi and suggest they pull over (into one of the hundreds of areas just for that purpose throughout the park), they pick the next pull over and drive right in. We've had quite a few laughs over this. The last though is the best. In Mammoth Hot Springs, in the hotel, in the lobby, there are public restrooms. The fun part is to flush, you wave your hand over the valve. Do you think a Jedi came up with this one?

2. Think our course instructors don't work hard? There was some down time at the beginning of September and the weather had finally turned warm and sunny. A major project our boss wanted to get done was to stain the outside of all the cabins. He got permission to use any of the instructors that wanted to earn a little extra money to come up and help.
This is Katie. I took this picture of her to send to her Mom, to terrify her Mom but also prove that Katie is staying busy and actually does work.
3. On our trip out, we stayed at some ultra cheap hotels. I'm okay with that...it's still better than camping on the ground! Anyway, this one room had the toilet next to the tub and the toilet paper about 2 feet away. Try finding that in the dark, at night!

4. Have you ever seen an elk chase her tail? I did! The other morning I was watching the herd in our front yard from the window and this female starts circling round and round. I thought at first she was trying to trample the weeds to lay down, as the others were doing, but she just kept going. She finally lifted her hind leg to do some scratching so I have to assume she was itchy. Pretty cute to watch though.

5. Bob (and I) love tacos. I make them with the best tortillas ever from Trader Joe's and if we work together we can go from start to eating in 30 minutes. Here Bob is enjoying a local beer. Doesn't he look happy?
6. This little dude is a Yellow-Bellied Marmot. We saw hundreds of them in August but by September they all disappeared. Bob read recently that they hibernate for up to 8 months. Can you imagine sleeping that long? May-August seems to be their time to do all that is required in life. I can't decide if I want to be jealous :)
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