Here, finally is a red squirrel! While Bob climbed up and down a bunch of large rocks, this critter ran all around this nearby tree and scolded me for staying too long in his territory. These little guys are very elusive to capture on camera.
This was a new critter for us on this trip. It was a small herd of burros. They were not shy and I remarked to Bob that someone has been hand feeding them. About that time, a car drove up and a lady jumped out with nuts in her hand and started hand feeding. So much for being 'in the wild!'
We turned them down, not petting them but did roll down the window for this picture.
Yep, more Pronghorn. This is a good example of the male and female. Aside from the horns, if you look closely you can see the black 'side burns' on the one on the right. It is the streak they are born with. They are rather shy but pretty to look at! We had to be careful as they were all over the road.

Here is the Prairie Dog Referee. He was directing traffic on the mounds and keeping the action going.
And, once again, I attracted another snake. This is a garter snake that decided to slither out onto the path right where I was about to step. Another dance step or two and I landed up the trail with Bob. Of course, he had to come and inspect and measure and here he is. Sweet, ha!
Everything in it's place , they all look perfect where they are........Lis